Friday 21 December 2012

'Tis the Season......

Well hello !
Long time no see :)
How are you? All fine n' dandy and ready for Christmas I hope?

I just wanted to pop in and wish you all a most fabulous happy and healthy Christmas, and a wonderful New Year.

I shall be very glad to see the back of this year! And I'm much more looking forward to 1st January 2013 than 25th December 2012! I know, I know, what a miserable scrooge!! LOL
Funny how we feel a change of numbers helps eh?  :D

I have just discovered some lovely emails in my blogging email address, which are quite a few days/weeks old!  So I apologise profusely to those who have emailed me, and I have not yet responded. As I haven't been blogging, I have hardly checked that account. I'm so sorry, but I shall get back toyou lovely people today!!

Just a quick update on my daughter :
We went to the hospital in Belguim in October. She had a weeks long session of tests and scans which proved very, very interesting. We have yet to be given the official results, but if I haven't heard from Kings College by early January, I shall be chivvying them along!
But I shall keep you all posted when I do hear!

I'm sorry for my long blog break, but alas we haven't had a very good year, and I really haven't felt like blogging, I would have been far to miserable! lol
I have been nosing around your blogs, but have been hiding in the background!!
I hope you forgive my lack of comments lovely people.

Now, you all take care, and have a most fabulous time over the holidays you hear?
It's the shortest day of the year today, so things only get brighter from today onwards... :D

Bless you all,
Donna xx